Письмо к Абаю - The letter to Abay Kunanbayev » Коммунальное государственное учреждение "Общеобразовательная школа № 30" отдела образования по городу Усть-Каменогорску Восточно-Казахстанской области
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Письмо к Абаю - The letter to Abay Kunanbayev


The letter to Abay Kunanbayev from Xeniya Larionova

Dear Abay Kunanbayev!

It is great that I can write you a letter. I am so happy that I was born in Eastern Kazakhstan where you were born too. You are my idol. Your works are very important for the younger generation and me. You teach us to be kind and believe in us. We know the future depends on us.
I make every effort to learn well and be an example in everything. I understand that education and science are able to change our life. You help us study different languages. I agree with you that language opens a window into the vast world. Especially I like your work “The Book of Words”. You give us, a younger generation, advice to be human, work hard and be honest. I would like to meet with you and discuss our life. I know that you could advise us how to solve our problems and be successful. 
I am very proud of Kazakhstani people and I am very glad that representatives of other countries appreciate and love the culture of Kazakhstan. I can confidently say that you, such a great person, will never be forgotten. Your creative heritage has enriched the history and culture of the Kazakh people, becoming their true spiritual heritage, never losing its significance. Times are changing, there are changes in the public consciousness, but your works remain relevant for us forever.

With best wishes, 
Xeniya, Grade 8 “G”, School № 30